Deluxe Pack & All Chicken Pack Combo (90% lean burger)

* 4 pork steaks, 2 steaks to a package
* 8 pork chops, 4 chops to a package
* 2 - 1 lb packs of bacon
* 2 chicken breasts
* 4 (10-12oz) top sirloin steaks, 2 steaks to a package
* 4 (10-12oz) rib eye steaks, 2 steaks to a package
* 1 beef roast (2.8#-3#)
* 10 lbs of 90% lean hamburger in 1# packages
* 12 chicken drums (6 per package)
* 10 chicken thighs (5 per package)
* 4 chicken breasts (2 per package)
* 1 whole chicken